was posted at 3:12 AM with 0 comments
Recently, I'm pretty stressed out so my friend asked me this question:
Where is one place that you feel calm no matter what, why does it make you calm and when did you go there last?I need a break from my essay writing so I'm going to blog about a restaurant which really sets me at ease. It's a fantastic location hidden away at East Point Mall (Simei) and it's called Hoshigaoka Restaurant. Below is a photo of the place itself:

Pretty quaint, y/y?
This photo is taken at about... 2pm in the afternoon. It's not that far away from lunch time but as you can see, it's complete empty (excluding my sister and I). So it totally has a relaxing ambience, the service is excellent and you wouldn't have to worry about judgemental people peering over and wondering what you're eating.

In fact, you can look out of the window and judge others instead.
If I happen to be eating alone (yes, I'm fine with it #loner), I can take all the time in my world sorting my thoughts out and nobody would be hurrying me to get out of the restaurant. If my sister is around, I can spend a long time chatting with her and the employees are nice enough to be refilling our tea constantly.

Free refills, yeah!
The food is excellent too *food porn alert!* and the price is incredibly decent, especially their lunch time menu.

Chirashi! *sparkly eyes*

My sister's shabu-shabu :3
I totally sound like a food blogger, don't I? XD
Such an atmosphere totally puts me at ease and momentarily, I'll just forget about my hectic schedules and tight deadlines. I last went there about a week ago and I'm looking forward to visiting it again soon!
As I was writing this entry, blogger has been a total bitch and my formatting / photos are constantly moving and running all over the place on their own. It's like the webpage is haunted / has a mind of it's own. As such, I think it wouldn't be long before I switch to wordpress. I mean, who would want to spend HOURS on fomatting? For such a short post, I spent more than 45 minutes before things look presentable.