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After one week, I'm practically reduced to pauper status. I've been spending too much on...FOOD.
I really wish that I can control my diet QAQ I went for a fat analysis and my fat percentage is super high, so I really need to cut down on carbo and start exercising OTL I want to reach my ideal weight before university starts, but I don't really think it's possible!
Firstly, my sister just returned from Europe and that can only mean one thing - lots of snacks! One of the most interesting ones which she had purchased for me is...

In case you're not a foodie expert, here's a short breakdown of what Haggis really is:
"Haggis is a kind of savoury pudding containing sheep's pluck (heart, liver and lungs — see offal); minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally encased in the animal's stomach and simmered for approximately three hours. Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a sausage casing rather than an actual stomach." - Wikipedia
What the hell? OTL
It actually tastes fine, albeit indescribable. A little on the salty side, hmm...
Then last Saturday, we went for early Father's Day celebration. We ate at a zhi cha store, somewhere around Blk 800+ in Tampines. The shop appeared on the television show 煮炒到了 or something like that, hosted by Li Teng and Pornsak. The food is great and the service is okay, but the lady boss's attitude sucked big time!
My mood was totally spoilt because of this dish:

The dish isn't part of our order and it came wrongly, but the shop refused to take it back and insisted we pay for it. We were arguing with the waitress when the lady boss walked over and took a look at the commotion. We thought she would do something about it, but NO! She merely peered over, and freaking walked away, back to her seat and doing nothing! She offered no solution or whatsoever, leaving her poor employees to due with us. In the end, the employee forked out her own money to pay for complimentary desserts to appease us. I think the waitress is really poor thing and I didn't want to ruin the mood, so I just took the dish (I was paying for the meal).
As a lady boss, shouldn't you take charge of your freaking business and do something instead of leaving your employees to fend for themselves? I sure wouldn't want to work under someone like that in the future! The food is good, but I'm still slightly pissed.

Sambal kangkong with cuttlefish; average I guess.

Black pepper venison - I could only taste black pepper. I think the sauce was too overpowering for the dish! It pales in comparison to other restaurants etc.

Best dish of the day! Scallops with Banana and prawn :B Hehe, it's a great combination!

Ma po tofu! But I think the one near NTUC Income tastes better :(
After a hard day of cosplay shooting on Sunday, I went to feast again @ Watami located at The Central with my cosplay friends - Yuuwa & Kamelot.

My salad; tastes amazingly good!

Some sort of tea... Jasmine maybe?

My beef hot stone rice! Mad yummy~

Kamelot's Gyukotsu Ramen (beef ramen). The stock is beef-boned soup O_O

Then the sashimi came and my eyes literally SPARKLED.

*le gasp* It's amaebi (sweet shrimp)!
Kamelot didn't used to eat raw seafood, but now she does! *grins*

Yuuwa's tonkatsu ramen.
It was super embarassing when Yuuwa paid for the entire meal OTL sibei guilt-stricken. Must treat him someday back!
And even after eating so much yummy food, my gluttonous journey has yet to end. On Thursday, after the eye check with Josie, I went out to eat with Gaiana. We were browsing mindlessly in Ion Orchard when we realised we were both bored to tears and food was totally the way to go!

Gindaco Takoyaki! I bought the egg mayo one, which is $7.00 for 8 takoyaki balls. It's quite reasonable if you convert back to yen and it really tastes like the ones in Japan. MAD LOVE! ♥♥♥

Ending our snack with Yoghurt from The Yoghurt Place!
While walking midway, Gaiana and I really craved for Thai food, so we took a train down to Siam Kitchen @ Bugis Junction. I was literally kissing the glass windows; it was so packed! But our efforts paid off when we starded Dinner; Part Two!

Prawn crackers as appetizer.

Tom Yam Soup with Jasmine Rice for Gai...

... and Onion Curry Soft-shelled Crab with Roti Prata! It doesn't tastes as nice as a similar dish in Thai Express.
Then, I really started missing Thai Express at Tampines 1 and went there the next day. FML seriously; Thai food two days in a row? My diet is screwed, period.

My sis is obviously impatient and wants to eat already, lulz!

Her hor fun! It's actually seriously spicy! Don't be fooled!

Prawn toast! Only dish I don't mind with coriander.

My Tom Yam Soup! Super spicy too; I didn't finish it :( Like a wuss!

Their award-winning dessert! Tastes awesome!

I think this photo has "feel" leh... What do you think? LOL.
Of course, my week isn't complete with some online shopping, and I bought this pair of shoes from the LacePipe Sale. Most of the nice items were sold out before I even woke up and check my email for their newsletter OTL I am so thankful for my small feet, for I grabbed the pair below at a ridiculous price - $17.55 inclusive of normal shipping! The packaging was bad (envelope was torn apart), but Singpost kindly repacked it for me before sending over to my house. Initially I thought my mail was lost in post! Thankfully, my worries were unfounded!

I love them! They fit my feet perfectly! I can wear this with lots of outfit! I can bid my slippers farewell soon xD
I'm also super looking forward to next week (22 June especially) because Music Station is having an awesome line-up.
Special Medley / Keisuke Kuwata
PAPARAZZI / Shoujo Jidai
Kimi wa Boku da / Atsuko Maeda
*I'm sorry I don't give a damn about Shoujo Jidai or the other two acts. It's just not my style.
If Linkin Park and KAT-TUN are singing back to back, I will seriously E JDK;LFHDSKJL FHGK LFSJDLASFDKL ; I'M SORRY, WORDS FAILED ME A LITTLE BACK THERE!
I loved the preview of the PV for To The Limit, so I'm really want to watch the live performance!
*swoons with happiness*
Labels: blogshops, fangirl, food