was posted at 7:51 AM with 0 comments

Life is often unpredictable.
We never know what's going to hit us till it actually comes.
The sky isn't always blue, but neither is it always overcast.
Positive or Negative, we try our best to adapt.

But like clouds, some friendships are fleeting.
Like clouds, a person might change unexpectedly without your knowing.
Perhaps I'm reading too deeply into this matter, but what is your Real Face?
Maybe the glimpse I caught of you along the road was the last time I ever thought of you that way. I can't erase that incident from my mind, or all the other times I felt so hurt when you just cut of all communication with me without telling me what I did wrong, yet act as though nothing has happened the next. I have feelings too.
Ah ここを今 飛び出して行こうぜ
さぁ 思いっきりブチ破ろう
リアルを手に入れるんだ 」
Ah ここを今 飛び出して行こうぜ
さぁ 思いっきりブチ破ろう
リアルを手に入れるんだ 」
I feel a barricade dividing us; I guess we'll be taking different paths from now on.
Thank you for the pleasant memories we had before.
But you probably don't care?
Thank you for the pleasant memories we had before.
Labels: personal