was posted at 7:39 AM with 0 comments
This year, new year came exceptionally fast. I was taken aback because everything just came too quickly! It seemed only yesterday when I just landed back in Singapore from Japan, and after a short rest, Chinese New Year was already here! *phew!*I discovered I had a severe lack of clothing this year, and I'm so thankful for my impulse buys online. I wore a normal white blouse with an orange tank top, TCL's HW Shorts, and Converse's leopard sneakers. It was a pretty casual look, so I tied two pigtails forthelulz and wore my Juicy Courture earrings my sis bought for me in America to glam up the look. I also wore a pretty bracelet, which I forgot to photograph and am too lazy to take it out again, just to snap a photo of it.
Pretty flattered when my auntie said I looked like I belonged in Harajuku. Thank you, but I think my make-up skills still have a long way to go before I'm even on par with them. The make up skills which the Japanese girls possess are imba! *_*

My look on 初一! My dad thought my hair was fake / a wig.
Diamond Lashes: Glamorous Eyes (I SIMPLY LOVED IT! Bought more Diamond Lashes in Japan, but different series! I shall see try out how awesome they are in the near future, hurhur)
K-Palette 1 day Tattoo (I minimized my usage of eyeliner on this look)
Maybelline's Mineral Concealer
Majolica Majorca Pressed Pore Cover Powder (I'll do a review on this one when I have the time! I bought it in Japan and it has officially replaced my zA powder!)
I've significantly reduce the amount of make-up I slap on my face. I guess as you age, you are more wary about the drawbacks of make-up. And also because I have no idea how to use a blush and lipgloss/lipsticks don't go well with me.
Anyway, in this new Chinese New Year, I decided to be slightly more hardworking, and clear the backlog of posts I have waiting for me!

This was taken at a cafe located @ East Point Shopping Center, L2, before our trip to Japan. My sis and I were looking for winter boots before we got distracted by food. You can find it by turning into the street along Subway. It's pretty secluded, so I hope it hasn't folded yet, cause you can find healthy and yummy food there! The chicken wings and fries are all baked, so you can savour these sinful treats without feeling guilty!

They also offer pretty kick-ass yoghurt. You can choose the fruits you want, and they'll blend it for you! I chose peach and mango to be blended into my yoghurt, and strawberries, 'tadpoles', and peaches (again!) as my toppings. There's never a better way to end off a snack!
After this, we went to Hougang Mall to continue on our quest for winter boots (because the Winter Time @ East Point didn't have sizes). After my sister bought her boots and I bought my gloves (they are really cute, I swear! but after the trip to japan, I have no friggin' idea where I've placed them), guess what? I got distracted by Pizza Hut, and my sis was really nice to treat me to a tiny 6" pizza and baked mussels.

They are so yummy... Have I ever declared my undying love for Cheesey Baked Mussels? If I didn't, I will do so now!

Curry Chicken Pizza - nothing too spectacular. The mussels took away all it's glory!
The service is really superb! Initially, I wanted Ajisen Ramen, but the waitress was super rude and I left without stepping into the shop. I don't think I've ever felt so happy eating at Pizza Hut before. Good service is really vital in society; you never know how much customers you can earn just by having great service!
And because I am starving at 12:09AM, I shall end this post abruptly because I cannot stand staring at photos of food anymore *_*
was posted at 11:55 PM with 0 comments
You know you're on your way to becoming an obsessed fan when...*in no particular order*
Symptom 1: You insist in going to Japan regardless of the weather (even though it is reported that it wil be the coldest winter in 30 years).
Symptom 2: Upon boarding the ANA plane, you check if there is anything on KAT-TUN in the entertainment system. Upon discovering that there is none, you proceed to sleep through your flight.

Symptom 3: Even when you are down with a flu (which you caught in Japan), you are willing to brace the winds and queue to enter the JE shop.

Symptom 4: You rather starve, and walk for hours in Japan to save on transportation fees, just to buy more KAT-TUN photos.

Symptom 5: You subconsciously/openly giggle whenever you see any KAT-TUN related commercial in the train/at the train station/on the television, and you never get sick of it even if it is on loop.
Symptom 6: You take photos of every advertising poster with a KAT-TUN member in it, even though passer bys stare at you with a strange look.

Symptom 7: You buy any magazine with KAT-TUN as their main cover.

Symptom 8: You sneak brochures away as long as a member of KAT-TUN is endorsing the product.

Symptom 9: You MUST make a trip to Edogawa even if it has no major tourist attractions.

You make a trip to Kanagawa, Yokohama to look around, even if your schedule is packed and that area is out of the way.

You look around in anticipation as the train passes through Chiba.

Symptom 10: You visit the Red Brick Warehouses and Chinatown at Yokohama because Kamenashi made a bad pun about it before.

Symptom 11: You become an expert in identifying cars on Japan's roads, especially the SOLIO.
Symptom 12: The sign '入口' and '出口' at the train stations never fail to amuse you.

Symptom 13: Even on an overseas trip, you rush back to your hotel room just for Johnny's Countdown.
Symptom 14: You attempt Vanish @ Cosmo World just because Kamenashi has tried that ride before.

Final Symptom: You purchased a Lamdash OTL

At least my dad is elated to receive a new shaver.
... you are super broke, but still happy.
This is just a short creepy conclusion of my KAT-TUN based trip in Japan (I'm just kidding, lol!)
I intend to make a day-to-day recount of my trip to Japan, Tokyo, but that will take a lot more time since I've taken a whooping number of 3000 shots! Most of them are blurry since the Japanese are always in a hurry, so don't shoot me in my later posts! Night fall also comes a lot earlier (the sky is completely pitch dark at 5.00pm) and my camera refuses to work properly in the dark! Moreover, I still have posts I was supposed to make last year too OTL Backlog is simply overwhelming @@
I went on this trip with only my sister (no parents around!), so lugging our stuff around was literally mission impossible when we were flying back to Singapore. Other than that major problem, there were lots of trials and tribulations along the way as well, but it was super fun and memorable! There were also many pros and cons in visiting during their new year period, which I will elaborate on later posts. Language problem is the biggest issue, but I foresee myself visiting this place over and over again in the future when I'm richer, and have brushed up on my Japanese \o/
Random Note to Self: I will conquer Mt. Fuji!